Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Deploy OA Framework

How to Deploy OA framework in the Instance

Deployment of OA framework consists of 5 steps.
  • Deploying Class files and VO/EO/AM xml files
  • Deploying PG/RN xml files
  • Deploying jpr files for Substitution
  • Setup AOL to access the page
  • Restart the server

Let's look at these one by one.

Deploying Class files

The files such as
  • Controllers *CO.class
  • Application modules *AM.class
  • View Objects *VOImpl.class, *VORowImpl.class, *VO.xml
  • Entity objects *EO.xml, *EOImpl.java

should be deployed in the $JAVA_TOP/<path of your file>.

For eg:
if your files path in jdeveloper is
then place your class files in the following path in the instance

Deploying Page and Region files

The Page xml files(*PG.xml) and region xml(*RN.xml) files resides in the database. So you have to import the file into the database to make it work in the instance. Oracle application provides XMLExporter/XMLImporter to export and import page files from and to the database.

Deploy the files to the Instance

java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter /home/prasanna/pages/SetupPG.xml -username <data base user name> -password <data base password> -dbconnection "(description = (address_list = (address = (community = tcp.world)(protocol = tcp)(host =<hostname> ) (port = <port id>)))(connect_data = (sid = <sid>)))"

This command will import the SetupPG.xml file into the database.

Extracting from instance

If you have done your personalizations in the developement instance and you want to deploy the personalizations into the production instance, then you can extract the personalization using XMLExporter command from the developement instance and Import the extracted xml file into the production instance in the same way you did for PG.xml files.

java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.exporter.XMLExporter /oracle/apps/ap/setup/webui/customizations/site/0/SetupPG -rootdir <destination path> -username <data base user name> -password <data base password> -dbconnection "(description = (address_list = (address = (community = tcp.world)(protocol = tcp)(host =<hostname> ) (port = <port id>)))(connect_data = (sid = <sid>)))"

The above command will export the SetupPG from the data base to your file system at the destination path as XML file (SetupPG.xml)

Deploying jpr files for Substitutions, if any

If you have extended EO, VO or AM and created substitutions in your project. Then you have to deploy your .jpx file into the instance.

java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.JPXImporter $AP_TOP/xxx/Setup.jpx -username <data base user name> -password <data base password> -dbconnection "(description = (address_list = (address = (community = tcp.world)(protocol = tcp)(host =<hostname> (port = <port id>)))(connect_data = (sid = <sid>)))"

Setup AOL to access the page

In case your page is referred in existing pages of Oracle applications you can skip this step. But if you want to access the page as a new Function then follow these steps.

Create Function as
Function type(HTML tab) : SSW
URL: OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/ap/XXX/SetupPG&parameter1=xx&parameter1=xx

Attach the function to a Menu
Attach the menu to a Responsibility

Restart the server

After deployement you cannot see the page immediately on the server instance. This is because your Pages and class files would be cached in the middle tier. So you have to bounce the apache.

$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/adapcctl.sh stop
$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/adapcctl.sh start

After this process, clear the cache from the functional administrator responsibility and this step is optional.

Some times we may need to restart the whole middle tier to see the depolyed pages in the instance.
To Restart the instance use following command

Stop the instance
cd $INST_TOP/admin/scripts
adstpall.sh apps/apps

Start the instance
adstrtal.sh apps/apps

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