Thursday, 3 May 2018

Accrual Balance Display in Self Service HRMS

One of the comon requirement that often times come in the Absence Managment is HR team want their employee to be able to see their available accrued/PTO balance.
As an employee it is always good to know how much vacation balance an employee is left with

Here is a simple setup that can enable your employee to view the available balance through the Self Service absence Management

Step 1: Define the Absence element
Step 2: Link the Element based on the Eligibilty Criteria
Step 3: Define the Absence Type
Step 4: Define the Accrual Plan
Step 5: Attach the Accrual Plan to the Employee
Step 6: Complete the setup for the Self Service HR
Step 7: Make sure employee is able access the absence Management Functionality

Setup steps to enable the Entitlement Balance in the Absence Management

Step 1: Create an Element set with the type as ‘Run Set’
Step 2: Attach the element set to the Profile option HR: Accrual Plan Element Set Displayed to User at the Responsibility level (Employee Self Service)
Step 3: Bounce the Appache

Now Navigate to the Employee Self Service > Absence Management > (T) Entitlement Balance

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