Thursday, 3 May 2018

Language Changes in Custom OAF Pages and Prompts

We can translate the language of a custom OAF page using XLIFF file.

Below is the command to extract the XLIFF File.

java /XXCUSTOM /oracle/apps/xxchr/talentprofile/webui/XXCHRUpdateLinkRN -root $JAVA_TOP/xxcustom/fr-FR -username APPS_USERNAME -password APPS_PASSWORD -dbconnection $AD_APPS_JDBC_URL -source db -languages en-US,fr-FR -mmd_dir $OA_HTML/jrad -xliff_dir $JAVA_TOP/XXCUSTOM /fr-FR

The XLIF file will be exported to the specified -xliff dir ($JAVA_TOP/ XXCUSTOM /).
Once you get the .xlf file edit the file and add the translations.

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<!--DBDRV: -->
<xliff version="1.0">
   <file datatype="jdr" original="XXCHRUpdateLinkRN" product-version="$Header$" source-language="en-US" target-language="fr-FR">
         <trans-unit id="." translate="yes" maxbytes="4000" maxwidth="105" size-unit="char">
            <source>To update non-editable data please contact</source>
            <target>Pour mettre à jour les données non modifiables, veuillez contacter</target>
            <prop-group name="ora_untranslatable">
               <prop prop-type="tagName">formattedText</prop>
               <prop prop-type="attributeName">text</prop>
         <trans-unit id="" translate="yes" maxbytes="4000" maxwidth="42" size-unit="char">
            <source>Employee Services</source>
            <target>Employee Services</target>
            <prop-group name="ora_untranslatable">
               <prop prop-type="tagName">link</prop>
               <prop prop-type="attributeName">text</prop>

Add the translated text in <target> section.
Move the file to any working directory and run the XLIFF import command.
The XLIFF Importer takes a translated XLIFF file and imports it into the MDS Repository.

Below is the command to import the XLIFF File.

java $JAVA_TOP/XXCUSTOM/Francization/XXCHRUpdateLinkRN.xlf -username APPS_USERNAME -password APPS_PASSWORD -dbconnection $AD_APPS_JDBC_URL

Follow below all the possible areas...

Changing Custom Field Fonts to French:Changing Custom Field Fonts to French:
  1. Login with user having responsibility ‘Functional Administrator’.

  1. Select ‘Personalization’ tab and provide page path under ‘Document Path’ as shown below.
Page Path: /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/webui/TMEmployeePG

Select ‘Go

  1. Select ‘Manage Personalization’ as shown below and you will be navigated to below page.

  1. Under ‘Page’ section, select ‘site check box and select ‘Translate’ icon as shown below. 

  1. Provide ‘French’ transulated values as shown below.

View Employment Summary              : Voir historique des postes

Select ‘Apply’.

->Scroll down and select section ‘Talent Profile’.

  1. Under ‘Page’ section, select ‘site check box and select ‘Translate’ icon as shown below. 

  1. Provide ‘French’ transulated values as null below.

Select ‘Apply’.

Changing Menu Function Prompt to French:
Login with user Navigate to “System Administrator/Application Developer” > “Application” > “Menu”
Query for ‘Menu Name’ as “XXCHR_MANAGE_PER_DETAILS

Step 1: Open Menu screen and click F11 And Menu name (Menu Name provided in Table Screen.)

Step2 : Search for Menu name : “ XXCHR_MANAGE_PER_DETAILS “ and select the  Prompt cloumn and click on view and select the Translations like below screen shot.

Prompt ->View->Translation->Enter Targetname and “OK”(Refer below screen shots)

Step 3: Replace the Target french name in French column and click on ‘OK’ and save the Changes.

->Finally Save.

Changing Custom Page Field Fonts to French:

è Download/Extract the Custom OAF Page through puTTy /any application serve tool.
è Once it’s download it will gerate the “.xlf” file.

        NOTE : Before excteact or download the file need to change dbconnection details and username and password(Related envrinment.)
      NOTE : root path need to provide where we need to keept the “.xlf “ file.

For ex:
Using Command prompt :

Example: xliffextract C:\OAF\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\xxcustom\oracle\apps\xxchr\ talentprofile \webui\ XXCHRBasicDetailsRN.xml -root D:\temp -mmd_dir C:\OAF\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\xxcustom\oracle\apps\xxchr\ talentprofile\webui\ -source file -username XXX -password XXXX -dbconnection "(description = (address_list = (address = (community = = tcp)(host = 1521)))(connect_data = (sid = des9i2)))" -rootPackage /oracle/apps -languages en-US,fr-FR,ja-JP

Using puTTy:

Example: java /xxcustom/oracle/apps/xxchr/ talentprofile /webui/ XXCHRBasicDetailsRN -root $JAVA_TOP/xxcustom/fr-FR -username XXXX -password XXXXXX -dbconnection $AD_APPS_JDBC_URL -source db -languages en-US,fr-FR -mmd_dir $OA_HTML/jrad -xliff_dir $JAVA_TOP/xxcustom/fr-FR

->After download the .xlf file and change the target nams like given below.
NOTE : File will avalble our root path.

->Finally save it and import(XLIFFImporter) the file through puTTy/ any application server tool .

Using run command :
Example :

xliffimport F:\temp\oracle\apps\FND\pages\WF_BESEVENTSPAGE.xlf -username XXXX -password XXXX -dbconnection "(description = (address_list = (address = (community = = tcp)(host = 1521)))(connect_data = (sid = des9i2)))"

Using puTTy :
Example :

java $JAVA_TOP/xxcustom/Francization/ XXCHRBasicDetailsRN.xlf -username XXXX-password XXXX-dbconnection $AD_APPS_JDBC_URL

->Finally bounce the Apache/OACore

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